According to Ayurveda, the living human body is formed by Panchamahabhuta vikara, i.e. Dosha, Dhatu, Mala, Indriya, Mana and Atma. The Atma is an essential element of the body and plays a vital role in physiological homeostasis. It is also thought that Atma is a fraction of the supreme power’s cosmic energy, Paramatma in the body.
The Physiological Importance Of Atma
Atma: Factor For Creation Of Living Things
It is believed that the whole creation of living beings is because of Atma in association with other Karana Dravya, i.e. Panchmahabhoot, Atma(consciousness), Mana(Mind), Kala(Time factor), Disha(directions). The whole creation has been categorised into Chetan and Achetan based on the presence of primordial Atma and Indriya.
Atma: Factor For Ayu
Ayu (Life) is formed by the conjugation of Atma(consciousness), Sharir (physical body), Indriya ( sensory and motor organs) and Satva(Mana). Since Atma is inactive and Mana is active, the soul provides consciousness to the body and the signs of living beings are exhibited through the mind. Life is the extension of consciousness, meaning the lifespan is the period up to which there is the presence of Atma.
Atma: Integrant For The Formation Human Body, Growth And Sustenance Of Life
Satva(mind), Atma(consciousness) and Sharir(physical body) are said to be the three pillars of the body. When the Shukra and ova get conjugated into the uterus along with Atma, Astha Prakriti and Shoda’s Vikar, i.e. Panch mahabhoot and indriya, then there is the formation of Garbha in the uterus. The five Panchmahabhoot perform their actions in the presence of Chetna only: Vayu is responsible for cell division, Agni is responsible for metabolism, Jal provides moisture, Prithvi provides solidity, and Aakash provides space.
Past-Life Regression
Have you heard of people remembering past life events? How is this possible? People don’t just randomly experience lifetimes; they are connected to what’s happening today. There’s an enlightenment that has not been crystallised for the soul. Knowing the why and what regarding such experiences gives the conscious mind an understanding of the situation, leading to better choices. Nature gives you an appropriate body at birth, depending upon your longings and tendencies. It doesn’t think in terms of punishment or reward.
We are on earth as humans to learn how to handle our beliefs and emotions. In other lifetimes, we may not have understood that our thoughts and sentiments were creating the circumstances of our lives. Re-experiencing issues that once may have held us back or events that caused us pain or some strong effect can help us step out of the reincarnation cycle and make us realise that we can be in the driver’s seat.