The number of lifestyle-related diseases have risen dramatically during the last two decades in India. Today, people consume junk and processed foods, lead sedentary lifestyles, and have developed unhealthy habits like smoking, alcohol usage, and bad sleeping patterns. The cherry on the top? There is little to no physical activity.
Hypertension, heart disease, COPD, diabetes, stroke, allergies, obesity, increased cholesterol level problems, and osteoporosis are the most common lifestyle diseases. The likelihood of getting these diseases is influenced by a number of factors, including one’s job environment, eating habits, level of physical activity, living environment, and stress level.
The term “lifestyle disease” refers to a disease that is acquired as a result of one’s lifestyle. Looking at this from a positive perspective, it means that if taken care, once can drastically reduce the chances of experiencing these health issues. An individual’s imbalanced relationship with food and by its extension their environment can result in them experiencing lifestyle diseases. After all, these diseases have a slow onset and can take years to develop.
One of the ways to rid yourself of these diseases is homeopathy. Homeopathy can treat lifestyle disorders through prevention and management of your overall health. Moreover, an added benefit of homeopathy is also that it cures the individual without putting them at risk of contracting any other disease.
Homeopathic Medicine aims to promote, preserve, and restore health when it has been compromised, as well as to reduce suffering and distress. Homeopathy can be used as an adjuvant therapy to conventional medicine or any other line of therapy in a complicated or late stage of a disease
Types Of Lifestyle Disorders
- Obesity
Obesity is a life-threatening condition that makes a person more vulnerable to lifestyle disorders. Obesity is a serious condition caused by a sedentary lifestyle, poor eating habits, lack of physical activity, and a stressful lifestyle, etc.
- Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes mellitus is a type of diabetes that affects the body’s metabolism. It’s a complicated condition that elevates the blood sugar levels for an extended period of time due to insufficient insulin production or a lack of insulin responses in body cells. Diabetes can also be caused by factors such as age, stress, a sedentary lifestyle, obesity, and so on.
- Respiratory Diseases
Today we see a large number of people who have recurrent respiratory tract infections. It may worsen as a result of continuous exposure to noxious agents, such as those found in the workplace, prolonged use of antihistamines and anti cold cough medicines, and the habit of smoking, which has a negative impact on health and leads to a variety of respiratory diseases.
- Depression & Anxiety
A variety of lifestyle disorders are triggered by stress and anxiety. Work stress, family tensions, work pressure, health concerns, unemployment, and love failures all have a direct impact on a person’s mental or emotional health. Anxiety, neurosis and depression are the results of constant stress.
Along with the above mentioned lifestyle disorders, there are a number of other diseases that have a direct or indirect impact on an individual’s health as a result of their lifestyle.
Role Of Homeopathy In Lifestyle Diseases
Homeopathy is not a superficial treatment for a disease or ailment. It takes a holistic approach of treatment. When dealing with a particular symptom, homeopathy considers the miasms (hereditary or acquired). The medicines are prepared by process of dynamization or potentization. This greatly reduces the drug’s toxic and harmful effects (crude), thereby increasing the medicines’ inherent curative effectiveness. As a result, homeopathic medicines have few or no side effects.
What Precautions Can You Take To Prevent Lifestyle Disorders?
- A Healthy Diet
A nutritious diet is essential for good health. It is not only important to be mindful of what you eat, but also of what you do not consume in order to maintain a healthy body weight. It further helps in maintaining blood pressure, cholesterol, fat intake, and other risk factors that might contribute to health problems.
Rather than focusing on particular foods, it is better to coordinate one’s overall eating habits toward more nutritious selections by ingesting a range of food products in the correct quantity, at the right intervals, combined with the right amount of physical activity.
- Appropriate Physical Activity
Exercise improves circulation and secretes a lot of anabolic hormones, which helps the body flush out metabolites and other toxic things. Obesity is the root cause of the majority of lifestyle disorders. It is critical to maintain a healthy body weight. Regular exercise, such as a brisk walk or yoga, can assist to combat a variety of diseases.
- Enough Sleep
The majority of hormones and other repair mediators within the body are secreted in large amounts during sleep, and the deeper the sleep, the greater the body’s repair work. Sleeping for 7 to 8 hours continuously and undisturbed can help with a variety of health conditions.
People who receive long-term homeopathic treatment are less likely to become ill, and they are also less prone to stress and feel healthier overall. Diseases can be kept at bay for a long time if patients combine homeopathy with simple lifestyle changes such as adding some type of physical activity to their daily routine, eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, practicing yoga, and so on. The earlier one begins using homeopathy, the greater the benefits will be.