You know the typical nightmare in school where you have to present to the class only to stand up and find you’re naked? That’s pretty much how it feels every day when you have acne, at least emotionally. You can’t escape the idea that everyone is watching you, possibly judging you because of your frequent breakouts, making you feel anxious and exposed.
Living with severe acne can make life seem unfair. Acne affects more than just your skin. All you see when you look in the mirror is your acne. It can be challenging to look past the acne to your brilliant smile or beautiful eye colour. And while you’re at it, having tried every possible DIY acne treatment available on the internet to get rid of it, what you don’t realize is that those DIYS aren’t doing you any good. In fact, they are making your acne even worse.
The safest road to take is to walk toward homoeopathic treatment. Homoeopathy has been shown to be beneficial in the treatment of acne since it addresses the core cause while also promoting healthy skin. It helps to lessen the acute symptoms of acne-like pain, inflammation and swelling by treating the reasons for hormonal changes. By addressing the root causes or triggers of acne, homoeopathy offers long-term remedies for acne prevention.
But let me tell you, the first step towards treating your acne is understanding your skin well and accepting yourself for it. Your acne doesn’t define you!
So Let’s Understand The Causes Of Your Acne
- Genetics: How often do we hear the term “genetics”? If you have severe acne, there’s a strong possibility one of your parents had acne when they were younger. Our genes are really important.
- Diet: Always root for the underdog. Food and lifestyle are so crucial that they will always fall short no matter how much attention we give them. Acne is linked to high GI diets (sugar, white rice, potatoes, white bread, etc.) and dairy consumption.
- Oily skin: Oily skin can clog pores and cause acne breakouts further worsening the skin conditions.
- Hormones: Hormones are the primary cause. There isn’t just one hormone that causes sebum production and inflammation; there are several. Then there’s PMS (premenstrual syndrome), which is the protagonist of all female stories.
- Other typical causes include inappropriate cosmetics, allergic responses to medicated creams, and a humid climate.
How Can Homeopathy Help In Treating Your Acne?
Homoeopathic acne treatment is unique from conventional treatment as it is personalised to the individual. No single homoeopathic medicine can work for everyone, as everyone is different.
A remedy is chosen based on a person’s specific set of symptoms, which may include (but are not limited to) acne problems. As a result, obtaining treatment from a homoeopathic healthcare provider is likely to yield the best results when it comes to treating acne.
Homoeopathy Cures Acne In The Following Ways:
- Homoeopathy reduces the likelihood of developing acne instead of genetic susceptibility, in which the issue is nearly unavoidable.
- Homoeopathic acne treatment aids in the regulation of the average hormonal balance, the disruption of which increases a person’s risk of acne.
- Homoeopathic acne treatment regulates excessive oil secretion by the skin’s sebaceous gland.
- The bactericidal actions of the medications in homoeopathy prevent and cure skin infection.
- Homoeopathic medicine for acne scars can heal post-treatment hyperpigmentation of the skin.
- It also reduces the likelihood of scarring as a result of acne.
Tips For Prevention Of Further Build Up Of Acne
- Limit sun exposure.
- Wash your face with a gentle cleanser, and remember not to overdo it.
- Avoid frequently touching your face.
- Refrain from popping your acne.
- Change pillow covers often.
- Look for “non-comedogenic” labels in your skincare products.
When nothing works for you and you’ve lost all hope, homeopathy is the light that lights against all the odds. Homoeopathic treatment does take some time to show results, but there is no looking back once it starts to show its magic.