Do you experience discomfort and burning in your chest or throat regularly? In case you do, you may be suffering from acid reflux. Gastrointestinal reflux disease (GERD) is, in fact, one of the most frequent digestive system problems. Stomach acid backs up into your oesophagus, causing acid reflux.
In simpler terms, acidity occurs when the gastric glands produce a huge amount of acid, far more than is required for digestion. This acid can cause damage and discomfort over time, worsening the symptoms. It could eventually lead to irreversible shifts in the cell structures of the oesophagus, increasing your risk of oesophageal cancer if left untreated.
According to Ayurveda, acid reflux is produced by an imbalance in the heat energy within our cells, known as Pitta. Pitta is a sharp, strong, hot, and acidic energy that resides in the stomach. Pitta aggravates your digestive fire, causing your food to not be adequately digested and influencing the generation of ama (toxins).
You experience acid reflux issues when ama builds up in your various digestive channels. The Ayurvedic treatment for acidity focuses on calming down the inflamed Pitta Dosha. To remove the toxins that obstruct these pathways, some ayurvedic herbs are recommended. This boosts digestive fire spontaneously, resulting in better digestion.
Let Us First Examine The Causes Of Acidity Before Seeking Ayurvedic Remedies
Consumption of an excessive amount of spicy and oily foods.
Excessive intake of water, carbonated beverages, tea, and coffee.
Lack of sleep.
Irregular & unhealthy eating habits.
Psychological issues like depression & anxiety.
Smoking or excessive consumption of alcohol.
No trace of physical activity in daily routine.
Other issues such as ageing and obesity.
Signs & Symptoms
Feeling a burning sensation that spreads from your oesophagus to your chest region.
Food or sour liquid regurgitation.
Experiencing cough that is chronic and dry.
Swallowing problems.
A lump in your throat sensation.
Sore throat.
Ayurvedic Home Remedies To The Rescue
Get natural relief from acidity. Here are a few Ayurvedic cures for acidity and gastric issues:
Buttermilk: Buttermilk includes lactic acid, which helps to neutralize acidity. This provides instant relief from acidity problems. The lactic acid coats the stomach lining, even more, calming inflammation and preventing acid reflux. Buttermilk is also an excellent source of probiotics. Buttermilk contains bacteria that prevent gas and bloating. It helps in digestion, absorption, and elimination.
Cumin Seeds: Cumin seeds are alkaline in nature, which helps to calm down inflamed acids and treat hyperacidity. Cumin seeds aid digestion by acting as an enzymatic secretion. Cumin has been used to treat stomach pain and indigestion since ancient times. This spice relieves nausea and other stomach issues when consumed on a regular basis. Jeera water is a fantastic remedy for bloating and acidity. Jeera is a natural pain reliever that relieves the discomfort and suffering produced by gas in the belly.
Fennel Seeds: This famous natural mouthwash also works as digestion support. The chemical Anethole found in fennel seeds relaxes the stomach lining. It aids in the reduction of stomach acidity, and gas.
Basil Leaves: The leaves of holy basil contain calming and carminative qualities. This provides immediate relief from acidity. Moreover, the leaves also boost the production of mucus in the stomach, which helps to reduce heartburn. Basil leaves help to relieve oesophagus and stomach lining inflammation caused by too much stomach acid.
Burning discomfort in the chest that comes most often after eating but can also occur at night can be quite bothersome. This can be easily relieved by incorporating ayurvedic remedies into your daily routine.