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    Weight Loss Atta


    Description:- This flour has the right blend & proportion of millets like Jowar(Sorghum) &Bajri, combined with highly fibrous grains like Jau( Barley) , Oats, brown rice &Rajgeera making it a staple diet among the weight watchers. This flour gives effective results in weight loss when combined with proper exercise & diet schedule.

    Health Benefits:- Millets like Jowar( Sorghum) &Bajrihave considerably low glycaemicIndex (GI), which reduces sugar level in blood, which ultimately leads to weight loss. Highly fibrous grains like Jau( Barley), Oats, Rajgeera (Amranth), fill the stomach faster, controlling the appetite, which makes them great for weight loss. Brown rice is a super food with so many vitamin, antioxidants, highly fibrous & has low density, which means even a small amount of it, results in filling the stomach faster, boosting the weight loss in return.

    Uses:- Can Be Used To Make Roties, Parathas, Khakhras, bread, Pancakes etc
    Delivery Period :- 7 Business Days

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